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The Importance of Diversifying DSPs in a Shifting Digital Landscape

The Importance of Diversifying DSPs in a Shifting Digital Landscape
Triona Bonner

In the ever-evolving world of digital advertising, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As the VP of Ad Operations at Hotspex Media, I’ve seen firsthand how industry changes can impact our strategies and outcomes for clients across all Industries. One significant change on the horizon is Google’s continuous re-evaluation and adjustments regarding cookies. This shift is a clear signal for advertisers to diversify their use of Demand Side Platforms and look to form partnerships with new platforms looking to collaborate in this versatile environment.

Embracing a Multi-DSP Strategy

At Hotspex Media, we advocate for a multi-DSP approach. Relying solely on one platform, especially in a volatile environment, can be risky. Diversifying DSPs not only mitigates these risks but also opens doors to a wealth of benefits:

  1. Broader Reach and Better Targeting: Different DSPs have access to various inventory sources and data sets. By leveraging multiple platforms, we can tap into a wider audience pool and enhance our targeting capabilities, which in turn can improve performance.
  2. Optimized Performance: Each DSP comes with unique features and strengths. Some might excel in mobile inventory, while others could offer superior video ad placements. Using a mix allows us to optimize our campaigns by playing to each DSP’s strengths and this also brings with it  the ability to test new channels and analyze results.
  3. Resilience to Industry Changes: With the uncertainty surrounding cookies and data privacy regulations, having a diverse DSP portfolio ensures that our campaigns remain resilient. If one platform faces limitations, others can fill the gap, ensuring continuity and performance.

Embracing Change

Being overly reliant on anything can cause issues so getting ahead of the game here is key!

Although this type of transition isn't always easy, the benefits far outweigh the initial effort. Here are some steps to get started:

  1. Audit Current DSP Usage: Evaluate your current DSP partnerships and their performance. Identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  2. Explore and Test New DSPs: Don’t hesitate to experiment with new platforms. Many DSPs offer trial periods, campaign tests or pilot programs that allow you to test their capabilities without a long-term commitment.
  3. Integrate and Optimize: Once you’ve selected a mix of DSPs, integrate them into your existing workflow. Use performance data to continuously optimize your campaigns, ensuring you’re leveraging each DSP to its fullest potential.

A Future-Proof Strategy

At Hotspex Media, we believe in proactive adaptation. By diversifying our DSP use, we’re not just reacting to industry changes – we’re positioning ourselves and our clients for long-term success. The digital landscape will continue to evolve, but with a resilient and flexible strategy, we can navigate these changes with confidence.

By staying agile and open to new possibilities, we can turn challenges into opportunities and drive exceptional results for our clients.

Here’s to a diversified and dynamic digital advertising future!

Triona Bonner

VP Ad Operations, Hotspex Media

Feel free to connect with us for more insights and strategies on navigating the changing digital landscape.

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